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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tangled Deals this Week

Tangled on Dvd and Blu Ray 
Deals I Have Found This Week
There are many deals out there for Tangled this week.  I am highlighting just a few of them here.  Check out the deals.. they MIGHT get a bit better.. new coupons MIGHT be released... you never know.  These are some of my picks for Tangled deals as they stand now.

First! Remember the Rebates to help you determine the "final price" of your copy of Tangled.
Here are ones I have found:
  • The Success Rice Tangled Rebate Offer- Buy any 2 packages of Success Rice AND the Tangled movie and submit for a $5 rebate check.  This past Sunday, there was a $1 off 2 Success Rice coupon.  Go HERE for the official terms of this rebate.  You have until July to mail your request. You will mail a copy of your receipt for the Success Rice and one of the proof of purchase tabs from the Tangled movie to claim your $5 rebate check.
  • Get your hair cut at your local Cost Cutters. Then, submit a photo copy of your receipt along with a proof of purchase tab from the Tangled movie and get a $5 rebate check. Go HERE for information about this rebate. You have until May 31 for this rebate offer.
 Also,THIS coupon is out for $5 off the 4 disc Blu Ray/DVD combo pack. Just print it and take it with you.  

AND! Go HERE to get your FREE Tangled Charm Bracelet when you enter in your unique Disney Movie Rewards Code you find in your copy of Tangled.  You will pay about $2.99 in S/H. 

Here are some deal scenarios I have found to my liking:

Buy The Tangled Blu-Ray combo pack, get a free $14.99 Rapunzel Doll for FREE (while supplies last). Then, you can work the two rebate deals. They don't list the price in the ad for the movie. So, that's a bummer.

A few options here:
1. Buy Tangled on DVD for $15.99.  Submit two $5 Rebates listed above. Own Tangled on DVD for $5.99 after your rebate checks come in.  

2.  Buy Tangled on Blu-Ray plus DVD pack for $19.99. Own it for $9.99 after you get your rebate checks in.  Specially marked combo packs come with the Tangled Golden Book for FREE.

3.  Buy Tangled on 4 Disc Combo Pack for $24.99. Use $5 off coupon, making it $19.99. Submit for two rebates, making it $9.99 after the checks come in.   Specially marked packs come with the Tangled Golden Book for FREE. 

4.  Buy Tangled on 4 Disc Combo Pack for $24.99. Use $5 off coupon, making it $19.99.  ALSO, buy the 4 disc combo packs for either Bambi, Beauty and the Beast, or Snow White for $29.99.  GET a $10 gift card when you buy any Tangled combo pack AND one of the Disney Classics.   Total is right at $50 for both. Then, you get the $10 rebate checks, so $40. AND you get the $10 Target Gift Card, so $30 for both combo packs. *And, specially marked Tangled combo packs have the free Golden Book attached.

ALSO, there is a PRINTABLE $5 off Tangled 4 disc combo pack available HERE. 
 I am not sure yet if that is a TARGET Stackable coupon or not yet. I am going to swap computers and print it and let you know!

Personally, I am leaning more towards the Target deals.  With the least amount of effort, just working the two rebate deals, you can easily snag Tangled on DVD at Target this week for only $5.99 after rebates.
** I work these rebate offers all the time. They DO send you a check that you just deposit in your bank account, no worries.  
I waited and waited and worked rebate deals that made the Princess and the Frog deal amazing when it came out. I got paid $1 to own the DVD.  That is rare. When Beauty and the Beast was rereleased, I waited and waited and still don't own it bc I missed a chance to get it cheaply.  So, keep that in mind when you are considering if and when to buy.

MY IDEA: Grab the 4 Disc Combo Pack for $19.99 or less after printable coupons.  Get $10 back in rebate offers. Pay $2.99 for the Tangled Charm Bracelet offer on Disney Movie Rewards' site.  End up spending less than $13 out of pocket after rebate checks and get the 4 disc 3D Blu Ray, Blu Ray, DVD, and Digital Copy pack, a FREE Golden Book, and a "FREE" Charm Bracelet.  That would make a great Easter present!!  I heart Target.

1 comment:

  1. The printable coupon from Target's site takes you to the manuf coupon from Disney Rewards.
