Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

My Coupon Philosophy: Issues and Perspectives

Let's Discuss the Issues and Perspectives!
Lately, I have been quite surprised at how differently couponers view the issues surrounding couponing. AND, there have been a lot of misconceptions about how couponers operate, thanks to the media.  I want to start a discussion and tackle some of the issues. And, SURPRISE! My POV is going to be different from other bloggers. AND, it might even be different than your own.  That's ok! Let's Start a Discussion about it!  We are all in this together and what one couponer does can affect us all... Thanks, Extreme Couponers! (You all know what I am talking about...)

Anyway, here is a list of links to the posts done in this series.  AND, the UNLINKED Topics are yet to be written/posted but will give you an idea about what is coming.  I am excited about this series and really hope we can get a good discussion going!

Printing Extra Coupons by Hooking Up Extra Printers

Ordering/Selling Coupons Online
Selling Your Drugstore Overstock on Ebay or in a Yard Sale  & "Ethics Hotline" Stickers on In Store Products  & ReSeller's License Info (Do You Legally Need One?  You Might Be Surprised)

Check Out Etiquette:  When They Wont Take Your Coupon and You KNOW You Are In the Right

Clearing the Shelves of Product
Hoarding VS Being Prepared:  How Big of a Stock Pile is TOO Big?

Obligation to Donate?

Is it Wrong to Buy More Than You Need If You Can Get it For Free?
Can you think of other issues you would like to see discussed?  Send me an email to couponcouture@gmail.com and let's get the discussion going!