Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!


To get you started, there are some terms to know when you are reading the coupon blogs. I am starting a list here! Let me know if you come across one I leave off!

Manuf coupon- A manufacturer's coupon. Such as, when you get a Huggies coupon, and it says Manufacturer's coupon, it means it is from Huggies, as opposed to store coupons that are from the different stores.

Store Coupon- Obviously, a store coupon. For example, if you get a Huggies coupon, but it says Target in the top left, it is NOT from the manufacturer. It is a Target store coupon and as such can only be used at Target. (Unless you find a store that accepts competitor's coupons)

Price (or Ad) Matching- This is when a store has a policy of matching the printed, advertised price of a competitor. You would bring the competitor's ad or circular in and show it when you buy the exact item. They will then adjust the price to match the ad's price, if it is their store policy to do that.

Stacking- refers to when a store allows you to combine a store coupon and a manuf coupon. For example, Huggies cost $8. You have a manuf coupon for $2 off. You have a Target coupon for $2 off. You can then stack them and get $4 off, only paying $4 for your Huggies

Rolling Transactions- This is when you are buying items that have a "bucks back" or free gift card,etc attached to them. You then "roll the transactions" by breaking your purchases into different transactions. That way, you can spend less money out of pocket and roll the savings into each other. If you are at CVS and they have a buy this toothpaste, get $2 Extra Bucks (CVS bucks) back deal and you also need shampoo, you would buy the toothpaste, get the Extra Bucks on the bottom of your receipt, then buy the shampoo using the Extra Bucks you just got. This is rolling a transaction. Of course, you would use your coupons on all the items involved here! LOL AND rolling transactions works the best when you can roll them from one deal/bucks back into another. In this simple example, you spend $2 less in that trip than you would have. Usually, you can save much much much more than that by rolling your transactions.

Circulars- These are the weekly ads for the various stores. They are very important. They help you form a plan of action and organize your coupons and deals. They let you know how and when to roll your transactions, too. AND, they help you Ad Match.

BOGO- Buy one Get one Free, also seen as B1G1

WYB- When you Buy

Some terms for Ebay,etc:
NWT- New with Tags
EUC- Excellent Used Condition
GUC- Good Used Condition

*This is just a rough start on some terminology. More will come soon!