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Monday, March 14, 2011

March Giveaways Week 3: Purex Crystals

March Giveaways Week 3: Purex Crystals Softener
3 Readers Will Win!

This week I am hosting a special giveaway.  If you have been following the blog, you know that I was recently selected to be a Purex Insider. This is very exciting to me. It allows me to try new products.. and even better, gift them to those of you that win my giveaways! This week, 3 of you will win!

This past week, I tried the new Purex Crystals Softeners.  You can go HERE for the official information on this product.  Take a moment and check it out!

This is what's neato about the Purex Crystals vs other softeners:
  • They are in a solid, crystals, form.. SO, if and when your kids get ahold of them or knock them over, there's no nasty spill to clean up. Which is also what I like about the Purex 3 in 1 sheets...
  • They are 92% natural and not oil based like other liquid softeners. Oil left by other products decrease absorbency of fabrics like towels. Also, oil buildup on your clothes over time can discolor them.  Purex Crystals do not do either.
  • ALSO, a big point for me is that Crystals Softeners do NOT interfere with the flame retardant qualities of your kids' sleep wear.
There are many more neat features that I have never thought to consider when buying a softener. Check out the link I posted above to learn more.

BUT, what did I really think about them? I liked them. They were convenient, easy to use, and they really had a lasting scent days after using them.  Also, I loved being able to try them for free! :)

However, the scent I was given was the Fresh Spring Waters scent.  I don't think I would seek that particular scent out again in the future. It just wasn't my thing.

Lucky for 3 of you, you can pick your favorite scent out for yourself when you win a voucher coupon from me for FREE 28oz size bottle of Purex Complete Crystals Softener!  I really liked this product and think you will too when you try it for yourself!

To be entered in the drawing to win Purex Crystals:
  1. Take a moment to check out the link, after all, it is a sponsored giveaway.
  2. Leave a comment here under this post. Tell me what aspect of this softener appeals to you.. the 92% Natural? The scents? The solid form? etc. OR just leave a comment to the effect of "I want to win".  If you enter as "anonymous" put a nickname, first name, whatever in the comment so I will know who to announce as the winner.
  3. Check back on the blog by next Monday to see if you won. If you did, email me at couponcouture@gmail.com to let me know where to send your prize!
It is that easy!  You can enter once between now and Friday at 5PM.  AND, I am going to pick 3 winners this week!! 3 of you will get to try Purex Crystals FREE!! Good luck!


  1. I must have these! I want to see if the solid form of the crystals make a difference in the way my clothes feel after washing. I'm excited!

  2. I have been hearing about this product and am excited to try it. we do a lot of laundry at my house. Debbie

  3. I would love to win! I love trying new products, especially when it comes to laundry!

  4. I would love to try these. We are on septic so anything that is natural and works is the best! Cant wait to wear super soft clothes YAY!!

  5. I am not actually a regular laundry softener user. I of course gave this a try since Purex is sponsoring the giveaway, etc. And, I must say.. the clothes and towels do smell fresh days after laundering... They have my attention! :)

  6. I like the crystal form and I want to win.

  7. I have to admit.. I washed the shirt I am wearing a week ago with the Crystals. It smells great still. AND it is soft. I think I am a softener convert now! Cant wait to see which 3 readers I get to send a voucher for FREE CRYSTALS to!

  8. Send me some product!!! LOL!!!

  9. I like softeners because of what they do, but I have to be careful of the scents because of my husband's allergies... do these leave a strong scent?

  10. That is a trick question of sorts, Crystal. I wore a shirt yesterday that I had washed with the crystals a week ago. All day, I would raise my arm for something and go "MMM! Something smells nice" and realize it was my shirt! The scent has really grown on me.

    You can definitely tell a week later which clothes you washed with the crystals and which clothes you washed without them. The scent is not overwhelming. I have allergies and sensitive skin and I am fine with it. It even smells sort of like a spice I can't put my finger on at the moment.

    They do have a few scent choices. AND I am privvy to information that they are listening to their consumers and developing some Free And Clear type products right now. I don't know if this will extend to the crystals or not.

    To answer your question: They leave a definite scent for a nice long time. It is not strong or overpowering. My husband's deodorant is stronger, in my opinion. (He uses Old Spice) I might wash a couple of your husband's items with the crystals and wait a couple days before having him wear them. Just as a trial type thing.

  11. The giveaway is now closed. Check out the blog tonight. I will be announcing our three winners!
