Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons

Where to Get Them
How to Store Them
A Refresher

Some of you are old pros at the coupon thing. Some of you are just starting out.  Either way, it is time to round your coupons up and organize them.

Where to get your Coupons?

The Sunday paper is a classic and great place for coupons.

Check around the stores you shop at for coupon booklets (like in drugstores), peelies,  card scanner coupon printing kiosks, etc.

There are a LOT of new and reset printable coupons out there right now. Check out the ones on Coupons.com and Target.com.  Also, go visit your favorite coupon printing sites now. You should find some favorites have reset, or even some new ones added.

Also, Did You Know you can get high value coupons that are not released for general printing and such just by contacting your favorite companies' sites?? You can! For example, a Fan of Kandoo? Go to the official site for Kandoo and click "Contact Us." Then, send off a short email about how you love the product and why. Have a gripe? That works too.  Just be polite. And include your mailing address. You just might be surprised at what you get in return.

All companies do not automatically send out coupons, etc.  But if you make a habit of mailing companies your compliments or complaints, you will start noticing some nice responses in your mailbox. You don't have to ask for coupons. You can if you want. 

For example, I emailed Kelloggs a lovely email thanking them for their constant promotions. Due to their coupons in the paper, store deals, and promotions, I was able to go on a nice date to the movies with my husband for close to free! I thanked them and told them that was our anniversary date last year. They mailed me a Kelloggs cookbook, a lovely letter, and several vouchers for FREE Kelloggs product ($5 value each!). 

So, you never know!

Couponing to Disney has a 5 a Day series if you are looking for a list of contact us links, etc. Or, you can search your own.  Let me know what response you get!

Also, sign up for MOBILE Coupons from Target if you have an unlimited data plan or smart phone.

How to Store Your Coupons?
I recommend a Bargain Binder.  Go HERE to check out how I organize mine.

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