Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

March Prizes Up For Grabs!

I Hate to Have This Post.. But... It is Great News For You!
Some Of The Prizes From Last Month Went UNCLAIMED.
Now, I am Doing a Quick Giveaway... Hurry and Enter

Remember the weekly giveaways in March? Well, some of my awesome prizes went unclaimed. All you have to do to claim a prize you win from me is to send me an email at couponcouture@gmail.com. It is pretty simple! 

So, what is up for grabs and what am I giving away?
 2 Full Sized Purex Crystals Softeners
2 Mc Donald's Treats Booklets with 12 vouchers for FREE FOOD each
1 Chick Fil A FREE FOOD Item! 

You can't win if you don't enter.  And, as I am trying to get these items gone so I can announce and focus on the April giveaway... I am going to do this giveaway differently. 

*Enter BEFORE Wednesday, 4/13 at 5 PM. Winners announced and notified Thursday! 

**The claimed prizes from the March giveaways are going out in the mail this week. If you won and claimed your prize and haven't received your prize, it is on its way.

To Enter to win the Purex or McD's, YOU MUST EMAIL ME   (couponcouture@gmail.com).   Just send me an email with either a deal you want me to keep an eye out for, a feature you would like to see on the blog, or where you found the blog.  No need to put any personal information in the email at this point.  I will email you back to let you know if you win, and THEN you can tell me where to send your prize.

The FIRST emailer, The 5th emailer, The 10th emailer, and The 15th emailer  will win either Purex or Mc D's.

To Enter to win the Chick Fil A, leave a comment under this post.  This winner will be picked through random drawing.

So, two ways to enter: email me at couponcouture@gmail.com if you want Purex or Mc D's.  Leave a comment here if you want Chick Fil A.

Good luck, and let's get some prizes out to lucky readers!


  1. Chicken Good

  2. Chicken sure sonds good...and Free sounds even BETTER!!!

  3. I'd love to win Chic Fil A. Thanks!

  4. Don't forget to send an email to enter to win the Other awesome prizes too!! :) I am getting some good emails.. This is such a fun giveaway!

  5. We love Chic Fil A. Thanks so much for doing this. What a great way for me to find your blog!!

  6. New to your site...gonna check it out!

  7. Thanks for all the great positive feedback so far! It isn't too late to win Mc D's or Purex... I am still needing emailers 10 and 15! And, of course, it won't be too late to enter the Chick Fil A random drawing until after Wed at 5pm! I love these giveaways.

  8. we live 3 minutes from Chick Fil A.....u would think my kids would b tired of eating there????NOT...thanks

  9. The giveaways are now closed. Stay tuned.. the winners will be announces shortly!
