Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Because I Love Target, I Always Carry Their Coupon Policy

Know Your Store's Coupon Policy..
And Carry It With You
So, some of you have asked me for store coupon policies that you can print and take with you when you shop.

Since I love Target so much, and due to a specific request, HERE is the printable official Target Coupon policy.  I have a friend that actually highlights the specific parts in the policy that some cashiers seem to have trouble with.. that is a little humorous.
Only ONE TIME ever have I "threatened" to show the policy to a cashier at Target.  And I worded it as "I politely beg to differ that you know your policy. May I please show you your policy while we wait for a manger for clarification?"

They declined to view it. The manager arrived, and immediately declared I was correct.

Unfortunately for that clerk, the other manager on duty and I have known each other for 10+years and even worked together in the past.  So, I went and spoke with him about that cashier's attitude.

Luckily, I am most often seeking managers out for compliments on their store and staff.

Anywhoo.... I am going to put together an About Me section for easy contact reference, etc. AND I am going to add a coupon policy section. SO, no worries!

Enjoy your weekend!

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