Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Because I Love a Good Giveaway... And Target...

I Am Announcing a Special Target Giveaway Worth $45+
But First a Mini Tip....

 A big part of what I do is in the form of social marketing and networking of sorts.  Everywhere I go with my Bargain Binder, I go with as pleasant of an attitude as I can muster on any particular day.  You can go armed with a frown and the official coupon policy, but that will only get you so far.. and usually you will have to fight harder to use your coupons/deals according to the store's official policy.  A smile makes it oh so much easier.  When you are going to frequent a store or business... do so in such a way that gets you a good reputation.  Coupon with integrity and a smile and it will get you much further and make getting the deals that much easier.

I try to make friendly acquaintances out of the employees where I love to shop. I am on a first name basis with many of the managers at my local Target. I LOVE my Target! (On the flip side, there are two folks that I know to avoid bc they do NOT like the couponers and always throw a frown or attitude....but overall, if you coupon with integrity, they are really great at Target)

Some of the employees at Target have even told me they are couponing now after seeing my binder.  I will have a nice talk with the managers and employees when they have questions. AND, I am always trying to sell products to fellow shoppers.. I am always like "WAIT! Don't get that one, get this one. Here's a coupon that makes it free!"   I have actually been offered a job at my local Target twice now in the past year and a half bc of my knowledge of products, location, policies, and my enthusiasm that I share with other shoppers!  

Anyway. When you walk in with a Bargain Binder, you are going to get noticed. Let them notice your smile first. That is one of the BIGGEST parts of couponing you can ever learn.

This is how I am able to offer this particular giveaway.

I was talking with one of the managers I have come to recognize and casually chat with.  Most of the managers smile when I walk in, and they even know when I am missing a kid (I shop with all my kids sometimes) and which kid I am missing! They say things like "You are usually the smiley child.. what's wrong today?"  In other words, they know us!   So, I was talking with one manager that I have come to know a little and that has come to know me a little...

She mentioned she got moved to be over the Pharmacy part time now.  I perked up here. I asked her about those ELUSIVE Magical Pharmacy Coupon Books.... I wanted to know if they had those, knew about those, or even knew how to get one.  

For those of you that don't know what I am talking about, these Coupon Books have more than $45 in savings. All the coupons in the booklet are TARGET coupons which means they are stackable with Manufacturer's coupons!  You can get cheap and free product with this booklet. They are also rare and somewhat hard to come by. I have never seen one with my own eyes before...

Until last week!!   This manager said "Oh yes! I have some. Would you like some?"  Yes, she said "some".  

So... since you hung through the story... drum roll.... 


That is BIG news! I am so excited about this!  I was given one to keep, one to give away on the blog, and one to give away to a friend. 

These coupons are really great. There are coupons for everything from Allegra, Claritin, Listerine, Quaker Oatmeal, etc.  I am really digging the $3 off 20-ct Excedrin coupon.  This makes Excedrin about 59c without having a manuf coupon to stack with!   Also, there is an offer for a FREE $10 Target Gift Card When You purchase or transfer a new prescription.  Interestingly enough, there is $1 off 2 Hormel Natural Choice Deli Meats Coupon.. not complaining, but this seems to be an odd Pharmacy coupon.. 

So, to see exactly what the coupons are... you need to win it! 

Let's do a giveaway:
To ENTER:  Leave a Comment under this post.  If you are a seasoned couponer, share a tip for the beginners.. help them avoid our growing pains! :)   If you are a newbie, leave a comment about what you like about Target.

The winner will be chosen at random on Friday at 5PM and announced this weekend on the blog. You MUST claim this prize by Wednesday, April 20. These coupons expire in the beginning of June, so if you win and do NOT email me at couponcouture@gmail.com to claim your prize by Wednesday April 20, I will have to announce a new winner the next day. Sorry, but these coupons are too awesome to let expire without use! :)

Good luck! And give Target a looksey next time you have coupons and need to go shopping!
Get Target coupons HERE.. print yours and also sign up for exclusive mobile Q's sent straight to your phone!

**Maintaining a positive relationship with employees and keeping your integrity with a smile not only got me a few of these coveted Target coupon books, but also, it sometimes gets me the CVS circular Tuesdays before it comes out on Sundays... You just never know how far a good attitude will take you.. make the employees your partners not adversaries in the whole couponing thing!!


  1. This is fantastic! When I go couponing, I organize all my coupons the day before with teh sales ads. I always make sure to carry the store coupon policy also!
    primabee at hotmail dot com

  2. I LOVE that Target has thier own printable coupons. It makes going there even more pleasant!

  3. I know there are a lot of us out there that have EBT cards. I usually don't flaunt this fact, but during hard times you have to do what you have to do. If you pay attention to the ad for Rite Aid where they accept EBT you can use your card on things that are on sale and earn UP rewards that you can use to purchase thing that aren't elligable for EBT. For example I purchased Frosted Mini Wheats they were on sale 2/$5 with a $2/2 Up Reward. I used manufactures coupon $1/2. So I pd $4/2 and then recieved $2 in UP rewards (I did this deal 5 times and got $10 in UP rewards total which I used to purchase bottles of Purex that were on sale for $1.99 each)

  4. That's great that you are able to make your EBT go even further to help yourself out! I am always looking for a way to turn my coupons into cash. I love a good "Try Me Free" rebate offer promotion... when you use a coupon on these, and they send you a check for the full pre coupon amount, you turned that coupon into cash. Very similar philosophy to what you are talking about in the EBT situation. All it takes is changing your coupon perspective a little!

  5. For me I use websites that mention the Sunday coupons early such Sunday Coupon Preview. Print a list of with each group (Smart Source, Red Plum, Proctor and Gamble) so I know if my favorite coupons are actually carried in our newspaper. If I don't see them, I go online to Smart Source and Red Plum to look if the coupons are available to print. I hold on to the original list with the coupons I did get from the paper and cross out or adjust for our local coupon value on the list. This list becomes my master list or index in front of the coupon booklets for that week.

  6. I am a newbie, but a huge target fan. Always great selection and friendly people.

  7. Anyone know of any mayo coupons I'm all out! Here's my tip- when you see a good sale on an item you use frequenly STOCK UP for at least 3 months. Usually after that time period the same deal will come back around. That way you don't go out and buy $4 mayo like I'm about to have to do!

  8. Hello Mrs. Lahni! I am the coupon shopper you met in CVS today. I really like your site and will be using it now. I have never shopped at Target for anything more than a cute outfit for the kiddos, but I am going to give it a try. Thanks for the tips!!!!! Donna Sanders

  9. Thanks Donna! Check out Target.com for stackable coupons! I LOVE Target.. Love love! It does take a little bit to figure out where they keep clearance and sales items.. usually on the backside end caps throughout the store.. but I hope you will find Target as awesome as I do!

  10. Check out the winner here: http://couponcoutureblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/target-pharmacy-coupon-book-winner.html
