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This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tried Purex Complete with Zout Yet? Want to?

Purex Complete With Zout Review...

I got a really heavy package in the mail about a month ago. I opened it to find I had been sent a 32 load bottle of Purex Complete with Zout: Fresh Morning Burst Scent to try out for myself and review for you guys.

I was happy to try it. The scent was really nice but not overwhelming, and it boasted stain lifting capabilities.  Having kids, this is a MUST in a detergent! 

So, I happily started washing laundry with this new detergent.  My husband walked in one day and said, quite out of the blue, "Whatever laundry soap we are using right now is my most favorite scent ever. Keep using this one."

I agree. It does smell really good. Does it remove stains better than other stain lifting detergents? I think it works about the same as a lot of the others. It does seem to work pretty well.
So, Purex teaming up with Zout= Pretty Wonderful Product.  I wonder if they can put this in a 3-in-1 Sheet? (I really love those from Purex!!)

Also, Purex Complete with Zout comes in a new FREE AND CLEAR formula.  So, there really is a Purex for everyone. And, the Purex Complete with Zout liquid detergent works in traditional and HE washers.

I was so lucky to get a FULL SIZED FREE DETERGENT sent to me.... And, since you guys stuck the review out, I am going to send 2 of you vouchers to pick out your own FREE PUREX COMPLETE WITH ZOUT! 

I know that once you try this for yourself and see how wonderful it is, you will love it too.

So, let's get to the giveaway:

Purex is one of the products that I will guiltily splurge on and buy when I run out and can't find a coupon or sale... I want to know what your guilty splurges are... What products do you love and pay full price for when you have to?

Leave a comment HERE under THIS post to enter.  I am going to let you guys have a full week to enter this giveaway. Next Monday, 4/25, I will randomly pick the winner.  You will have until Friday, 4/29th to claim your prize by emailing me at couponcouture@gmail.com or I will give the gift of free laundry to someone else! 

Two of you are going to win.  You can't win if you don't enter.  So, leave a comment.  Want a bonus entry? Follow me on Facebook HERE and let me know in your comment below that you are a FB follower.

So, leave a comment under this post about your full price splurges for one entry.  Follow me on FB and let me know below that you follow me on FB for a bonus entry.

Good Luck!
And, if you don't win, seriously consider grabbing a coupon and trying the Purex Complete with Zout. I love, love, love this stuff!


  1. I just joined to follow you on FB.
    My guilty full price splurge is on toilet paper. I have to have my Charmin. I usually try to find it on sale, but I will splurge if necessary when running low.

  2. If you love Charmin, head to Target! Specially marked packages have some awesome coupons inside! http://couponcoutureblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/target-tripplus-bonus-surprise-coupons.html

  3. My splurge is Pepperridge farm natural cheese crackers. They are soooo good.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  4. Ashley.. Pepperidge Farm is ALWAYS a worthy splurge! :) I wrote a "thank you for having a great product" email to I think it was Campbell's or Swanson's broth a year ago. They sent me a voucher for a free item (up to like $5) as a thank you.. it was for a free item of any of their brands.. Pepperidge Farm was included! mmmm! Milano's!!!

  5. My guilty splurge is on toilet paper. I will buy Scott tissue even when it isnt on sale or I dont have a coupon. It seems that this is the only brand that doesnt run out within a day in my house. We can go thru a 4pk of angel soft in 2 days!


  6. My guilty splurge is full price on good, dark chocolate candy. When I gotta have it, I gotta have it. I follow you on FB too!

  7. You guys all have great splurges! Stephanie, you should be able to get some AWESOME deals on chocolate starting Monday! For the best deal, but not great selection, wait until Friday when a lot of stores should be 75% or more off the Easter chocolate! :) And, you can use coupons. AND, I ALWAYS swing through the candy aisle and kind of go through the Dove, etc bagged candy there. The Easter candy should be in clearance, but sometimes employees accidentally put stray bags back on this aisle. Most don't think to look there for the Easter candy bags, so you might get lucky there once the candy goes absurdly cheap!

  8. My guilty splurge is eBay. If it's on ebay, I pretty much want to own it. Seems to work out that way, for me!

  9. My guilty splurge is Diet Coke! I can't have Diet Pepsi or store brand diet soda. It's just not the same. For some reason it tastes like it was wrung out of a towel. Ick.

    I also follow you on Facebook! ;)
