Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Buy Pantene for Profit? Yep.

ReThink Your Couponing Philosophy
And Buy Pantene for Profit
Recently, I have had a few of those "just gotta sigh, tsk, and shake my head" moments with some of my friends I am helping with the couponing thing.  The following experience(s) I have had got me to thinking that maybe I should post this part of my couponing philosophy here for all of you. All it takes to make a little money on drugstore items or turn brands like Pantene into your fave shampoo  is taking a moment to adjust your own couponing philosophy.

"When you can score an easy moneymaker at the drugstore.. or a freebie.. or a pricey item for 25c, etc... you totally should take it home with you." 

Common Comments and Questions I get when I say that:
  • But that isn't the brand I use
  • I don't need it, Mine at home is still full, etc
  • My closet is pretty full and I don't have room for it
That used to be the way I viewed these situations. Now, I think those points are just plain silly. (sorry!)  

Here's why:
1. If it isn't the brand you use, use it to get your brand! Turn it into your brand by getting the name brand item (Gillette Razor, Pantene Shampoo, whatever) and SELL IT! If it is free to you or even a moneymaker by working a sale, why not take it home and sell it to get $$ to buy the brand you actually want? *More on this later in the post.  

2. If you are currently stocked up in some part and "don't need" the item, do you have a 6 month supply of this item? If you don't, you really need to consider buying it now.  Sometimes the types and brands of items on sale will cycle in 3-6 month increments. It might be a while before you can get it free again without a lot of extra dealing work.  Sometimes those that are new to couponing will unintentionally take it for granted that you can just walk into CVS any week and walk out with free Old Spice Body Wash.  That isn't necessarily the case.  So, BUY BEFORE YOU NEED IT.

3.  You don't have room? Ok. Sell it! or Donate it! Or Gift it to a friend you know uses the product.  Turn these items into profit or good Karma points.

Now, a word on selling drugstore items.  I don't have time, energy, patience, or the room to be an Extreme Couponer.  I have the knowledge, etc... but I just don't want to do that.  So, when my shelves get really full, or about every 6 months, I have a yard sale. I make some nice money putting my "overstock" or "free but I don't need or use them" items in a yard sale.  I even use Craigslist to advertise my sale for free... and I put cheap signs out by the street. I am lucky to live in an easy to access area that is always having sales. (Did You Know that DOLLAR TREE sells Garage Sale Signs sometimes and just about always sells the price stickers?)

I called a friend to come sell with me last weekend. They are moving and she prefers to not take her "store", as I call it, with her. She would rather start over when they get settled.  Ok. So, she called me the night before the sale asking what to price her items. As she is now used to getting them for free, she was not sure what folks would pay. I told her to mark her big shampoos and conditioners $1 each... Deodorants and the like 50c, and razors $2.50. Razor Refills go for about $4.  Finish dishwasher tabs can fetch $1-$1.50 in a yard sale.  (I have sold Airwick/Glade starter spray sets for $4 each and Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaners for $6 without problems!)

So, she priced her items the way I told her. When she got to the sale and opened her box, shoppers pounced on her and cleared her out of drugstore items in about 5 minutes!  They didn't even try to haggle. 

She came up to me later and said she hadn't doubted me.. but at the same time.. she just didn't believe she could put that high of a price on those items and actually sell them.  By putting those prices on there and by selling baby clothes at an average of 50c a piece, she made $114 in about 3 hrs at the sale!

Alternatively, I have also had great luck selling drugstore items on Ebay for a tidy profit. I don't put items like shampoo up there because they could spill in transit.  However, I put our extra Gillette or Schick Quattro razors up there.. also the Venus and the refills for all those. AND, the refill packs I get for the Sense and Spray type room fresheners always inspire a bid war.

At the very least, if it is free or a moneymaker, and you don't need it, don't use it, don't have room for it, and don't want to sell it... DONATE IT!  Drugstore items are always in high demand at shelters.

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