Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March Giveaways: Week #2 All About The Kids!

March Giveaways, Week 2:
Free Food Vouchers to Mc Donald's!

As promised, this week's giveaway is about the kids.  And, most of the kids I know love Mc D's from time to time!  Enter this week's contest here, and your child could win:
  • 3 vouchers for Free Hamburgers
  • 3 vouchers for Free Ice Cream Cones
  • 3 vouchers for Free Apple Dippers or Small Fry
  • 3 vouchers for Free Small Apple Juice or Milk Jug
These vouchers are corporate issued, and good at all participating locations. They expire March 2012.

This is a great giveaway. I know you want to enter this one.  All you have to do is leave a comment under this post. You get one entry per person. And, you can enter it any time this week, until 5 PM my time on Friday. The winner will be announced this weekend.

Good Luck!


  1. My kids would totally love this!

  2. You know I need it!!! But I never win drawings. At least I'm trying. :P LOL McDonald's can be SO awesome!

  3. Things like this come in handy when the schedule gets a little crazy and oops somebody is hungry. ;)
    Jenn H

  4. Would LOVE some Mickey D's!

  5. So glad you guys are excited about this giveaway! I will be picking the winner from random tomorrow evening. If you are posting anonymously, that's fine! I will announce the winner and tell you to email me where I can send your prize.. BUT, please put an initial, nickname, etc along with your anonymous comment so I know who to tell they won! :) Now I am all excited to do the drawing tomorrow!!!!

  6. Awesome! Would love to win:0)

  7. My girls would love this and would come in handy on the nights we run around! trishbazin(at)yahoo.com

  8. My boys could use this. Every month we take them to the Lego store for their free build and buy them McDonald's. Eating sure does occupy a little of their time, since they have to wait in a 2 hour line. :)

  9. My girls would FLIP for this! being a family of six, we rarely get to go out for ice cream, or anywhere for that matter--ha! this would be a special treat!

  10. Thanks for entering guys! I will do another Mc D's giveaway in the future. This one got such a warm response! Our winner is posted here: http://couponcoutureblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/and-winner-of-march-giveaways-week-2-is.html

    Thanks again!
