Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Can Get Freebies and Coupons Pro Actively!

Shh! Big Insider Tip...
You CAN Get Coupons or Even Freebies
Just By Seeking Out Your Fave Companies/Products!

I didn't realize this was even possible... seeking out and getting coupons and such from companies when they weren't doing freebies or coupons..  Then, I saw Couponing to Disney's 5 a Day Mailing Campaign.  Some days, she will highlight several companies and include their contact info for you. Then, you are supposed to send the company an email.  Thank them for a promotion. Compliment them on their company/product. Gush about your love for the product, etc. 

Be genuine. Don't necessarily ask for a coupon or freebies. Be polite. If you have a concern or genuine complaint, let them know nicely.  If you have the "option" of putting your mailing address, DO THAT. You NEVER know what will show up in your mailbox as a result.

For example, I wrote Kelloggs a lovely, genuine email thanking them for all their movie ticket and concession cash promotions last year.  Thanks to them, my husband and I got to have a FREE date on our anniversary.  We each got FREE Movie tickets, and a total of $20 in Concession Cash.  All thanks to a deal I worked to get about 10 boxes of specially marked Kelloggs cereals for around $9 out of pocket.  I thanked them for my anniversary date with my husband. 

In response, they sent me SEVERAL vouchers for FREE Kelloggs items, up to $5 in value ea.  I used these to get Special K Protein Shakes. (Yes, these did Beep for me at the check out, but the vouchers said ANY KELLOGGS brand item, and Special K is Kelloggs, so the store took it no problem.)

My point is that if you seek out the emails of the companies and products you love, you might be surprised by what shows up in the mailbox at home.  Another friend of mine does this when her printer is out of ink. She just starts mailing companies and requesting mailed coupons.

Do NOT say "You sent my friend freebies and I want some too." That is off putting.

Want to start the way I did with Kelloggs? Go HERE and look on the right where it says Request More Information and follow their steps.   

I took the time to link it, so please let me know what response you get!! :)  

Good Luck! Let us know which companies send out freebies, etc!

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