Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reader Question From My In Box: Drugstore Rewards

A Reader Has a Question About Drugstore Rewards/Bucks

One reader sent me this question regarding drugstore rewards, etc:  "I want to use the UP Rewards but am scared I will let them expire. Any Ideas"

First off, I want to state that you should NEVER work a deal just because it is a good deal. If you don't need it, it isn't free or a moneymaker, or you aren't going to sell it for profit, it isn't a good deal. Don't buy it.   10c for something you dont need and wont sell is still 10c too much.  Along the same lines, if you are buying something just because the rewards make it a good deal, don't do that if you think the rewards will expire before use. 

Ok. So, let's say you find a deal that makes something you need, say toothpaste, free or a money maker.  But to get the most out of this deal, you have to consider the rewards that toothpaste comes with.  To get it cheap/free/moneymaker etc, you have to consider the  "it's like paying this amount after rewards" fine print.

But, you don't know if you will get back to that store before your rewards expire. Or you don't know if you will keep up with your rewards... so what should you do?

This is actually pretty simple to figure out.  Simply make your money go further by spending the rewards bucks on that same trip. 

Buy the toothpaste. Get the rewards. THEN, go back and buy something that is priced comparatively to other stores that you need anyway. Like Milk.  Let's say you needed milk.  This week, milk is on sale for a competitive $3. Let's say that coincidentally, toothpaste is spend $3, get $3 in rewards back.  Buy the toothpaste.  Get the $3 back in rewards. Go pay for the $3 milk with the rewards.  Now, you dont have to keep up with the rewards or worry about them expiring.  AND, you spent the same $3 you would have spent on milk this week at the store, but got more bang for your buck.  (this is of course a fictional scenario meant to illustrate what I am saying)

If you are getting a great deal by getting rewards, do that. If you are concerned they will expire, just do another transaction(called rolling or breaking transactions into several transactions so you can keep your out of pocket expense down by rolling the rewards into the next transaction to help you pay for the other items) and use the rewards immediately.

Anyone else have a good idea about this?


  1. OK, that makes sense. I have been hesitant on some of the Walgreens and Rite Aid stuff because I didn't want to lose money, but doing it this way makes sense. Thanks!

  2. Walgreens boggles my mind and it is not my first choice in suggesting a drugstore to a new couponer. You can stack coupons and use rewards on an item... like you can use a Huggies Manuf coupon, a Huggies Walgreens coupon, and your rewards from last week all on one Huggies package. BUT, you have to have as many items in your ticket as you are using coupons/rewards. In this case, while all three items stack onthe one package of Huggies, you have to have 3 total items you are buying. Yes, you could put a cheap check out candy or two in there at the register.. but I don't want to have to buy more to use the same rewards and coupons I could have put on ONE item down the road if only I had worked the deal at CVS or Rite Aid. It gets confusing to me and I don't prefer it thus far. So, I recommend Rite Aid. Especially if you consider buying items with coupons/rewards and even REBATES (check by mail back) attached. Anyway.. that's my soap box for today! :)
