Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kroger Deal on Pillsbury

Spillway Road Kroger :
Pillsbury Deal Alert

This is unconfirmed, but rumor has it that the Spillway Road Kroger has Pillsbury Pop Up Refrigerated Biscuits for 50c ea!  If this is the case, and you have one of the plentiful 40c off 2 coupons, you could end up paying 30c each!  Keep a look out if you are headed to Kroger anyway and let us know if this is true.

*Thanks for the head's up, Velma!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so apparently Kroger doubles coupons up to an amount? So this deal is even better.. 10c a roll after doubled coupon!
