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This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Great Tip From a Reader About Picasa

Love to Order Stuff on the Cheap Online?
Want an Easy Way to Keep a Copy of Payment Confirmation When You Pay Your Bills Online?
One Reader Says Picasa is the Answer!

This tip I got from a reader is soo easy and simple.  I love it! I am always printing out invoices, payment confirmations, etc and then getting annoyed. More paper is more to organize and less to use to print coupons with later.  

Crystal T. Says the way to keep it all straight is to use your Picasa! I love love love this idea!  It would also be a handy way to keep up with rebates and such.

She writes:  "PICASA RULES!!! If for no other reason than this, I often buy things or pay bills online (whenever I possibly can). When you complete your transaction, they always give you that "Print this page for your records" notice. If you have Picasa running (not minimized) & that confirmation screen open, just press "Prt Sc" on your keyboard and BAM! you have a digital copy of the confirmation info"
 Great tip, Crystal!  I always say follow your money. Know when a deal is a good one and keep track of all of your expenses, orders, and receipts, etc.  

This is a great way to keep your electronic receipts.  You don't have to waste paper or rely on the accurate information being kept in your online account. I have had such info get "lost" somehow.  Take two seconds and make a record for yourself, the easy way. Use Picasa! 

**PLUS, you can then tag the things you save in Picasa for handy reference later!

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