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This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Easy to Snag Deals at CVS

My Weekly Trip To CVS
A Little Late in the Week.. But I Still Worked Some Easy Deals!
Unfortunately, the way this week worked out, I got to CVS way late in the week.  Therefore, they were out of a lot of the things I wanted to do deals on.  Namely, they were sold out of the Airwick I Motions I wanted to buy (and use coupons and Extra Bucks to get paid to own) and put on Ebay this week. :( You win some, you lose some.  I am still considering this trip a win!

What's the first rule of CVS shopping?? Always scan your card at the coupon kiosk.  It is a magical thing, this kiosk and I love it.  Today, it gave me $1 off 2 Cadbury Eggs, and $2 off my whole purchase!

Here's what I ended up buying:
Kelloggs Fruit Loops- On sale for $1.66
Kelloggs Apple Jacks- On sale for $1.66
Kelloggs Raisin Bran - $1.66
Kelloggs Raisin Bran-  $1.66
(the limit on the cereal is 4 at $1.66)
Cadbury Egg- on sale for 75c
Cadbury Egg- on sale for 75c
10.9 oz Easter M&Ms-On Sale for $1.97
10.9 oz Easter M&Ms- $1.97

THen, I used the following coupons
- $2 off 2 Easter M&Ms Manuf Q (making them 97c ea!)
-$1 off 2 Cadbury Eggs CVS Q (making them 25c ea!)
-$1 off 2 Kelloggs Cereals Manuf Q (making them $1.16 ea!)
-$1 off 2 Kelloggs Cereals Manuf Q ($1.16 ea box I bought after two coupons!)
-$2 CVS Magical Kiosk Coupon!

Total SPENT Out of Pocket:  $5.72
Total SAVED in Coupons:  $7
Total SAVED in Coupons and Circular Sales:  $21.70.
Total Items Bought: 8
Total Coupons Used:  5

You can really do this. A little bit at the time, and easily!  I saved 79% off my total buy working sales with coupons!  Taking the sales prices out, I saved 55% just figuring my pre coupon total vs my post coupon total.

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