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Monday, March 28, 2011

Redbox Freebies

Redbox Rental Freebies 
You guys asked for some Redbox Rental Freebies, so here is a small list of ones I found at Couponing To Disney.

V7J6D4V – Valid anywhere
BREAKROOM – Valid anywhere
DVDONME – Valid anywhere
REDBOX – Valid for first time redbox users only!
N3WY3AR – Valid at McDonald’s locations only
DVDATWAG – Valid at Walgreens locations only
DVDATMAC - Valid at McDonald’s locations only

Also, head over HERE to sign up for Redbox emails and updates. Seems like they will send you a code a month for a free rental. Also, their homepage says that when you like them on Facebook, they will also give you a code for another free rental.  Pretty nice!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this share! I'm a friend from Purex Insiders - Come visit my blog and follow me back.

    Michelle @ Things Sent My Way
