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This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rite Aid: Free Edy's, Anyone?

My Trip to Rite Aid:
Free Edy's Ice Cream,
and $10.50 Out Of Pocket, with $6 +UP 
to Use Next Week!

Remember my recent post about how rain checks can be a really good thing? (Go HERE for a refresher, if you like.) This trip to Rite Aid was so awesome.  Cashing those rain checks I got for Edy's Ice Cream in really made the difference. More on the details of that later. 

First, here are the highlights of my trip:
  • I spent $10.50 Out of Pocket 
  • I received $6 in +UP rewards after my final transaction today. I can use them on the next trip to Rite Aid.
  • I got 6 1.5 quarts of Edy's Ice Cream Free
How I did it:
I worked two separate transactions, doing my rain check transaction first. As a refresher, I had $7 worth of +UP rewards to cash in today from the Colgate deals I worked the other week.

Transaction 1:
6 Edy's Ice Cream,$2 +UP WYB 2,        99c ea*
1 Sucrets Wild Cherry Lozenges, $2+UP, 2.99

I used the $7 in +UP I came in with.
I used a Sucrets Manuf coupon for $1.50 (which made the Sucrets a 50c Moneymaker!)
My Subtotal was .43!!!, After tax it was $1.06.  AND, I got $8 in +UP BACK!

*I bought 6 1.5 qts of Edy's Ice Cream.  I had a rain check that made them "like paying 99 cents each after +UP Rewards."  To honor the rain check, the clerk overrode the price of each ice cream as she rang it, so that the price would reflect 99c ea.  THEN, today's circular states you get $2 +UP rewards WYB 2 Edy's.  So, I got $6 +UP rewards for buying this ice cream today.  I bought $6 in Edy's Ice Cream, I got $6 in +UP Rewards, per the current circular.

Transaction #2:

Huggies Jumbo Diapers, $2 +UP,  8.99
Huggies Jumbo Diapers, $2 + UP,  8.99
Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder 15 oz, $2 +UP,  2.99

I used:
$8+ UP I made in Transaction #1
$2 Manuf Huggies Coupon
$2 Manuf Huggies Coupon
$1 Manuf Johnson's Baby Item Coupon

My total was $9.44, I received $6 in +UP rewards to use next time!

All in all, I spent $10.40 out of pocket, got $6+Up  to use next time, and bought 6 1.5 quarts of Edy's Ice Cream, 2 Jumbo packs of Huggies, 1 Sucrets, and 1 Johnson's Baby Powder.  

A note:  The Sucrets was a moneymaker. The diapers came out to less than $5 a pack, the ice cream was free, and the baby powder was a 1 c moneymaker.  Be patient, do the math, and always stay pleasant. The bummer of not getting the ice cream on sale a couple weeks ago and having to wait ten minutes to get a rain check really turned into a sweet deal. Pun intended.


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