Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coupon Puzzler of the Day

Here's Your Couponing Philosophy Puzzle
For Today

To be a savvy shopper and deal snagger, you need to pay close attention to the deals offered and not be fooled into thinking you are getting one sort of deal when you see signage in a store.  Today's puzzle is about taking the time to really stop and think about the deal you have found.  Think about what the store is wanting you to think about the deal, and what the deal or signage actually is.
Which deal scenario is better? 
A.  You see a sale where all items included are 1/2 price.
B.  You see a sale where all items included are BOGO.
C.  Neither one is better.. it is 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of another.. they are the same thing, just worded differently
The answer is A.  

I get really annoyed when I hear folks discussing the first two scenarios and claiming them to be "really the same thing."  Because, it really is NOT the same thing. The only time it is "the same thing" is when you buy two identically priced items. Then, ok. You can call it the same thing.
In couponing, the little adds up to be big. Whether it is in savings, or in nickel and diming the money out of your wallet, every penny counts.  In a BOGO scenario, (still a nice sale, don't get me wrong.. and more often than not, you can usually use a manufacturers coupon on each of the items in this scenario, most places!) the lower priced item is the Free Item.  If you buy Chips for $2 and Salsa for $4, and the sale is "BOGO", that means you will save $2 by getting the chips free. (This is a hypothetical.. swap out chips and salsa for widgets and gizmos, or whatever.)  In an "Everything is Half Off" sale, you would save HALF the cost of both items.. in this case, $3.  

Think about this when you are shopping and especially when you are looking through the weekly circulars. IF you see two competing stores and one has a half off sale and one has a BOGO sale, don't think they are the same sale.  Would you rather pay $1 too much? In couponing, this can be a BIG mistake.

Know what I bought for $1 this week? Shout wipes, 2 loads of Tide Detergent, 10pk of Finish Dishwashing Detergent, a tube of Colgate Toothpaste, and some Planter's Peanuts.  Yep. All that for $1 out of pocket. 

So, do the math and stay savvy when you see a deal.  Don't be blase and don't take these deals at what appears to be face value. 

Just changing how you see deals is enough to save you some money in your wallet!

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