Welcome to my blog!

This blog is just a simple approach to finding deals, couponing, and maybe even making a few extra dollars... Whether you are saving for a vacation, or trying to make the most of your dollar on a day to day level, this blog will help you find your way!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Target Deals I Snagged Last Week

As I Get Ready to Make My Weekly Target Run, 
It occurred to Me That I Didn't Post the Highlights From Last Week's Target Trip! Oops!
The good news is that my trip last week did not really include any of the weekly deals. These were deals I snagged the old-fashioned way... by having my Bargain Binder on me and working some good coupon deals and stacked coupon deals.  In other words, you can get good deals like this without worrying about the weekly ad, too, if you coupon.

Trip Summary:  I spent $94.33 out of pocket. (My budget was $120)  
                        I saved $63.32 using coupons.

Here are my deal snagging highlights:
Good Start Gentle Baby Formula-8 ct ready to feed glass bottles-   Paid $10.59. Used $15.95 Rebate Check  ** Usually, they will value the rebate check down. The system didn't do that this time. SO, I got PAID $5.36 to own this baby formula!

2 Piece Union Style Girl's PJ Sets (Super cute!) $1.74 each set on clearance
2 Pack Baby Sleep and Play outfits $2.24 on clearance
Take and Toss Bowl set  82 cents on clearance
Shout On the Go Wipes (travel section) 12 cents after coupons(Store coupon for 50c off, Manuf coupon for 50c off)
WONKA Chocolate Bar 14 cents after coupon. (on clearance for $1.14, and I used a $1 off manuf coupon)
2 Pringles Super Stack 84 cents each stack after coupon(I bought two. They were $1.34 each. Then I used a $1 off 2 Manuf coupon)
Whole Wheat Pizza Crust pack  76 cents on clearance
Reach Icy Floss Got paid 3 cents to own after coupon (was .97 on sale. Used a $1 off manuf coupon, the system gave me $1 credit!)
Bounty Basic Paper Towel 75 cents after coupon (used a 25 cent manuf coupon)
Melissa and Doug Wooden Travel Game was $13, I paid $3.26 on clearance! 
Legos UBuild Sorry Game  $5.04 on clearance (Great for the gift closet, Ebay, or a rainy day!)

I used 5 reusable shopping bags and saved another 25 cents that way.

Now, here is a mini lesson on how to stack coupons and why order matters:
I had 4 vouchers from GE manufacturer for free lightbulbs.  My husband had written them because we were unsatisfied. The last lot we bought all burned out within a month of putting them in. All of the other bulbs we tried in the same places were fine. GE mailed us 4 vouchers as "make goods".  

Then, I found 2 $1 off GE lightbulb Target coupons, and 2 $1.50 off GE lightbulb Target coupons.  
SOMETIMES, if done in the right order, the computer system WILL let you stack a freebie coupon/voucher with another coupon, as long as one is a store one and one is from the manuf.  

In this scenario, it worked. I had to scan the freebie vouchers FIRST.  The computer prompted the cashier to enter how much the voucher was worth.  So, the cashier entered $6.99. That made the lightbulbs cost $0. Then, when we scanned the Target coupon, it took the $1.50 amount off the ticket, no problem. That meant I made $1.50 to own those lightbulbs.  BUT, I had 4 packs. SO, I got paid a total of $1.50+$1.50+$1+$1 = $5 to leave with 4 packs of CFL lightbulbs.  

So, I saved $63.32 this trip.  Out of that amount, I got paid to own products. I got paid roughly $10.39 this trip to take products home with me.  Pretty nice!

**This is with straightforward couponing. I don't buy coupons off the internet, or hook up several computers to several printers to get crazy amounts of printable coupons. I don't buy extra Sunday Papers. This was just a straightforward run with coupons I printed from one printer, and coupons I saved from Sunday Papers I got at one a week. I only make this disclaimer to say that this is what YOU can do with the resources you have on hand, and with what you have time to fit into your week.


  1. $1 off Nutella
    Jenn H

  2. Become a fan on P&G Facebook page for a limited quantity of $110 worth of savings. Click on the Special Offer tab.
    Jenn H
